David Geltner
Associate Director of Research, Center for Real Estate; Professor of Real Estate Finance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor David Geltner has been at MIT since 2002 where he has held the George Macomber Chair and currently is Professor of Real Estate Finance in the Department of Urban Studies & Planning.
Geltner served as Academic Director of the MIT Center for Real Estate during 2003-08 and from 2008-14 as faculty chair of MIT’s Master of Science in Real Estate Development (MSRED) program.
Geltner has served as Academic Advisor to the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), and as Director of MIT’s Commercial Real Estate Data Laboratory which has developed pioneering commercial property price and investment performance indices based on transactions prices (including the Moody’s/RCA CPPI, the NCREIF-based TBI, and the FTSE-NAREIT PureProperty® Indices). Geltner served from 1999-2012 as the External Academic Member of the Real Estate Investment Committee of the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio (a pension plan sponsor with over $5 billion of directly managed real estate holdings).
Prior to MIT, Geltner was the REEAC Professor of Real Estate in the Finance Department of the College of Business Administration at the University of Cincinnati. Geltner received his PhD in 1989 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the Civil Engineering Department in the field of infrastructure finance & economics. He also has degrees in urban studies from Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Michigan.